Wati is a company designed to offer a developed and customer-focused service, through WhatsApp, thus creating a solution suitable for this platform, focusing its potential on a tool that has all the necessary features, such as the WhatsApp multi-agent, the CRM, and the WhatsApp API. All this in order to be able to fulfill most of the needs regarding WhatsApp.

Similarly, if you are wondering what are the integrations we can enjoy within the Wati platform, the company offers some tools that could be particularly interesting, such as:

How Wati works
How Wati works

Main features

Wati is a company focused entirely on WhatsApp, hence it has several features that are limited to this app; however, this does not preclude their attractiveness. Here we name the main ones:

1) Wati has its own CRM exclusively for WhatsApp.

2) It allows the integration of some tools including Shopify and other external CRMs.

3) It has bots for WhatsApp.

4) It has its own app.

5) Access to the APIs.

6) You can send Broadcast Messages.

Main features

How to subscribe on Wati

Once you have decided to register, after clicking on the Start Free Trial button, located in the upper right corner of the screen, you have to enter all the required information, accept the terms and click on the button that will allow you to create your account.

How to subscribe on Wati

Next, another screen will appear where you have to enter additional data: just keep fill in what is requested and go on with the procedure.

How to subscribe on Wati

Once you have filled in everything that is required, you will see the main screen of the newly created account, the only step you have to take now is to associate your WhatsApp number by scanning the QR code on the screen.

How to subscribe on Wati

Advantages and disadvantages of Wati

Like any tool, even Wati has its advantages and disadvantages that we will explain below:


Wati allows you to stay in touch with the entire customer service team of your company; each agent can take calls and respond individually with a single WhatsApp number, which makes Wati a tool capable of integrating both internal and external communication, using the same platform.

Another advantage of Wati is that it has an integrated CRM, which allows you to save a database of all the customers who communicate with you, allowing you to reply either in bulk or individually.

Last but not least, Wati has an app that can be used on all devices, which makes it a really easy tool to use on any platform.


One of the main disadvantages of this solution is the price: it is in fact intermediate, neither too high nor too low, and the additional options usually have the same price as the basic plan. An excellent alternative is Callbell as it is a customer-friendly product, it offers more tools and integrations, at a much more competitive price with rather interesting features.

Another big disadvantage is that this product is only focused on WhatsApp, so if you have other sales and communication channels, such as Instagram or Facebook, you will have to use them separately.

Finally, there is a variable cost that is added to that of the license for the volume of messages sent and received and templates sent on WhatsApp, which never happens in Callbell since the price is fixed!

Advantages and disadvantages of Wati

Should I buy Wati?

We cannot tell you whether to acquire Wati or not, since it depends on the company that wants to use it: for example, if you own a large company with a lot of time available, and extensive experience in the market, with a fairly large capital, it is advisable to acquire this software to improve both internal and external communication of your company.

If, on the other hand, you own a small or medium-sized company, with few integration and communication requirements, we recommend that you purchase Wati as it is a simple and suitable solution for this type of company.

Alternatives to Wati

As previously mentioned, Wati has some valid alternatives on the market that might be suited for those companies that are not interested in buying such a service. Here is a list of great alternatives that may interest you:

Access the list by clicking here

Now that you are here, we will explain to you why Callbell is one of the best alternatives to Wati.  In fact, this tool is characterized by its simplicity, ease of use and communication. This tool focuses on the most important, simple and easy integrations with the most used and requested communication channels such as WhatsApp, Telegram, Facebook Messenger and Instagram,, it provides us with statistics of all kinds to be analyzed and attentive support every single moment.

Alternatives to Wati

Frequent Questions

What are the main features of Wati?

Wati has multiple features. Since it is a company focused entirely on WhatsApp, features are limited to this app ; however, this does not mean that they are not beneficial, here we mention some of the main features of this service:

  • Wati has its own CRM for WhatsApp only.
  • It allows the integration of some tools including Shopify and some external CRMs.
  • It has bots for WhatsApp.
  • It has its own App.
  • Access to the API.
  • Broadcast messages can be sent.

Should I buy Wati?

We cannot tell you whether or not you should buy Wati as it depends on the company. For example, if you own a large company with a lot of time and experience in the market and with a rather large capital, it is advisable to acquire another type of software such as Callbell in order to improve the communication and processes of your company, keep in mind that Callbell is not an expensive option, but quite a great choice in terms of both quality and price.

If, on the other hand, your company is small or medium-sized with few integration and communication requirements, we recommend purchasing Wati as it presents itself as a simple solution for this type of business.

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Alan Trovò

About the author: Hello! I am Alan and I am the marketing manager at Callbell, the first communication platform designed to help sales and support teams to collaborate and communicate with customers through direct messaging applications such as WhatsApp, Messenger, Telegram and Instagram Direct