Recently, an additional WhatsApp update appeared, which reported a beta test of the new WhatsApp feature. This possibility concerned WhatsApp web on 4 screens. This means that all WhatsApp users will be able to open their account on 4 different devices, but only via web.

This type of functionality has advantages, but it also has many disadvantages if you want to use it for work. The main advantage is being able to open your account on 4 different devices, each working independently. This means that if you reply to a conversation on one of the devices, it is not updated on the other ones. The one just described is a huge drawback if you want to use this feature for customer service or sales.

However, first of all, two questions arise. What is WhatsApp web on 4 screens? This is a new WhatsApp feature that allows you to open your account on up to 5 devices at the same time (1 mobile and 4 WhatsApp web screens). This feature is still in beta version and is being tested by millions of users around the world. It should be noted that it only works for personal use since, if you want to serve customers or sell via WhatsApp, the feature has several drawbacks in terms of custom tools and features for this type of job.

Regarding the second question. What is WhatsApp Multi Agent? It regards the use of the WhatsApp API to serve customers in an organized, easy and efficient way by connecting a BSP and WhatsApp for your business. This type of integration works differently from WhatsApp web, as it is equipped with a series of very interesting features, such as the ability to verify your company on WhatsApp, connect more than 4 agents to a single WhatsApp account, have metrics of your activity and agents and receive messages, bots or automatic routing and many other advantages that this type of integration brings, and that we will clarify and describe later.

Finally, we must clarify that the integration of WhatsApp Multi Agent takes place via the WhatsApp API and a WhatsApp BSP, as mentioned above. Activation usually takes about a day or two and cannot be performed by the user on his own.

What are the differences between WhatsApp web on 4 screens and WhatsApp Multi Agent?

What are the differences between WhatsApp web on 4 screens and WhatsApp Multi Agent?

Each version of these two types of features has its own advantages and disadvantages. We will describe them to you one by one so that you can decide which of them is the best fit for your business.

WhatsApp web on 4 screens

1) You can open your WhatsApp account on up to 4 additional web screens including your smartphone.

2) Each device is independent, meaning that chats are not updated in real time on each device.

3) You will not have metrics for the messages you send.

4) You can’t know which device responds to which chat.

5) Chats are lost and unread on devices from which you do not reply or can’t see a specific chat.

6) Sometimes, the app closes and you have to reconnect.

7) It is not optimized for customer service or sales teams.

WhatsApp Multi Agent

1) You can open your WhatsApp Business account on more than 4 devices at the same time.

2) All agents can have their own account within the same WhatsApp and see each response in real time.

3) You can assign chats to different agents and monitor their performance.

4) You can monitor what each agent writes and to whom within the platform, where everything is recorded.

5) The app is available both on your mobile and on your PC.

6) You have the ability to reply to messages from other social networks besides WhatsApp.

7) It is perfectly developed and optimized for business, customer service, sales and call center.

Advantages and disadvantages of WhatsApp on 4 devices and WhatsApp Multi Agent

Advantages and disadvantages of WhatsApp on 4 devices and WhatsApp Multi Agent

Each service and integration has both advantages and disadvantages. In this article we will clarify and explain what points you will have to consider in order to choose the most convenient and useful opportunity for your business.

WhatsApp Web on 4 screens


1) It’s free.

2) You can open an account on up to 5 different devices. (1 mobile and 4 WhatsApp web).

3) The connection is independent for each device.

4) More stable connection than WhatsApp web.


1) It cannot be opened on more than 4 devices at the same time.

2) The messages are independent on each device.

3) You can’t know which device responds to each chat.

4) It’s impossible to talk to users who have an old version of WhatsApp.

5) The integration disconnects frequently from devices.

6) There is no control over the chats you reply to, in case they are used for business.

WhatsApp Multi Agent


1) The connection is very stable.

2) You can create multiple users for your service agents within one number.

3) You can monitor, assign and transfer chats between agents.

4) Metrics of messages and the service team in general.

5) Company verification on WhatsApp.

6) Ability to connect other service channels to other WhatsApp.

7) Automatic routing for chats.

8) You can open more than 4 devices at the same time.


1) It’s paid.

2) The numbers used for the WhatsApp API cannot become normal numbers again.

3) Activation must take place via a BSP.

4) Installation takes 1-2 days.

WhatsApp Web on 4 screens VS WhatsApp Multi Agent

Tools to enhance WhatsApp Multi Agent

We know that the WhatsApp API is required to use multi-agent feature. This means that you need a tool that can help you use this WhatsApp feature. In this case, we recommend using Callbell: a tool developed mainly to ensure that companies can offer sales or support to their customers through social networks (Instagram Direct, Telegram, Facebook Messenger or WhatsApp).

Its platform offers features developed specifically for the business environment. This features a metrics section where you can track your activity. Moreover, you also have the option to activate automatic routing that allocates chats, internal chats between agents, derivation of conversations, all in one place.

Centralize all conversations from different social networks into a single mailbox, activate WhatsApp Multi-agent and increase your sales on social networks.

Callbell undoubtedly becomes the best option for WhatsApp API and multi-agent WhatsApp.

Frequent Questions

What are the differences between WhatsApp Web on 4 screens and WhatsApp Multi Agent?

Each version of these two types of features has its advantages and disadvantages. Here we will explain them to you one by one so that you can decide which is the best and most suitable for your business.

WhatsApp web on 4 screens

You can open your WhatsApp account on up to 4 additional WhatsApp Web screens including your mobile phone; each device is independent, meaning that chats are not updated in real time on all of them; you will not be able to have the metrics of the messages you send; you will not be able to understand which device is replying; chats will be lost and unread on devices you don’t use to reply or you won’t be able to see a specific chat; the app sometimes tends to close and therefore you need to reconnect it; finally, it’s not optimized for customer service or sales teams.

WhatsApp Multi Agent

You can open your WhatsApp Business account on more than 4 devices at the same time; all agents can have their own account within the same WhatsApp and see the replies and chats in real time; you can assign conversations to different agents and monitor their performance; you will be able to monitor what each agent writes and to whom within the platform, since everything is recorded; you can open the app both on your mobile and on your PC; you will be able to reply to messages from other social networks besides WhatsApp and it’s perfectly developed and optimized for business, customer service, sales and call centers.

Advantages and disadvantages of WhatsApp on 4 screens and WhatsApp Multi Agent?

For each type of integration there are advantages and disadvantages. We’ll tell you what important points you need to consider when choosing which one is best for you.

WhatsApp web on 4 screens


It’s free, you can open an account on up to 5 different devices, the connection is independent on each device and is more stable than WhatsApp Web.


It cannot be opened on more than 4 devices at the same time, the messages are independent on each device, you can know which device responds to each chat, it’s impossible to talk to users with an old version of WhatsApp, the integration disconnects from the devices quite frequently and there is no control over the chats to be answered in case it is used for business.

WhatsApp Multi Agent


The connection is very stable, you can create a larger lead for your service agents within a single number, you can monitor, assign and transfer chats between agents, message metrics and the service team in general, company verification directly on WhatsApp, you have the possibility to connect other service channels aside from WhatsApp, automatic routing for chats and you can open more than 4 devices at the same time.


It’s paid, the numbers used for the WhatsApp API cannot be normal numbers, the activation must be done through a BSP and installation takes 1 or 2 days.

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Alan Trovò

About the author: Hello! I am Alan and I am the marketing manager at Callbell, the first communication platform designed to help sales and support teams to collaborate and communicate with customers through direct messaging applications such as WhatsApp, Messenger, Telegram and Instagram Direct