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Here you’ll find some thoughts about the latest trends in online digital marketing, sales and customer support

WhatsApp referral program

Indice How to make a referral program attractive? What is the connection between WhatsApp and referral programs? A referral program is nothing more than a strategy to retain a customer: customers will in fact recommend your company to other acquaintances so that they...

How WhatsApp channels work (Pros and Cons)

Indice How do WhatsApp channels work? Pros and cons of WhatsApp channels Conclusion The innovative WhatsApp channels are a new one-way broadcast tool, meaning only administrators have the ability to send text messages, photos, videos, stickers, polls and much more to...

How to create and restore backup on WhatsApp Business

Indice How to create and restore a WhatsApp Business backup on Android How to create and restore a WhatsApp Business backup on iOS Advantages of backup How to improve customer attention and why can restoring chats help your business? There are many reasons why users...

How do template categories work on WhatsApp?

Indice How do template categories work? Callbell and templates on WhatsApp From a business point of view, there are so-called templates on WhatsApp. These models have different objectives and are used in many situations. Therefore, we can say that it is the way in...

How to automate customer follow-up via Callbell

Indice What does the term follow-up mean? How does follow-up automation work and how can it be configured? Conclusion Managing customers, following them during the initial stages of a company is not that difficult. However, by giving more and more space to business...

4 tools to create broadcast campaigns on WhatsApp

Indice What are broadcast campaigns on WhatsApp? What are broadcast campaigns for? 4+ tools to create Broadcast campaigns on WhatsApp Conclusion Marketing campaigns have always been considered an excellent and useful strategy for all those companies that wish to...

4 Chatbot flows to use to reduce customer response times

Indice Why it is so important for a chatbot to convey fluidity What makes a conversation flow How to use the previously mentioned tool to create a successful chatbot Examples of chatbots to implement in your company Conclusion Chatbots are considered the first...

5 SaaS sales tips to close more sales

Indice What is SaaS sales? What are SaaS companies? What are the top 5 tips for SaaS sales? How Callbell can help you improve your SaaS sales? SaaS sales are one of the constant thoughts of company CEOs. Indeed, these live thanks to the monthly acquisition of new...

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