We all like to have clean images with an excellent resolution in our different social networks. However, many times we find that the image we use for Facebook does not work for Instagram or WhatsApp, for example. This happens because each social network requires its own dimension and size. Therefore, we must be aware of the sizes of the photos for each platform.

The most interesting and, at the same time, stressful thing is that the information about the correct size of the images in each social network is complicated to obtain.

In this article we are going to show you all the correct sizes of images on social networks that you should use to optimize all your accounts and make your profile look as up to date as possible.

You may also be wondering which social networks we are going to discuss in this article. The following:

1) WhatsApp: A perfect channel for direct sales.

2) Telegram: Where groups and bots can make a difference in automating your chats.

3) Instagram: The one restaurants and online stores prefer.

4) Facebook: To sell as a company and in a professional way.

5) Twitter: An unusual channel for sales, but where you can build a big  community.

6) LinkedIn: The preferred channel for companies and professionals.

7) Pinterest: Where everyone looks for ideas.

8) YouTube: A channel for those in need of some distraction.

9) TikTok: Everyone’s favorite app for creating short videos.

What are the most common social media image sizes searched on the web?

Generally, people search for Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and WhatsApp image sizes. This is because these are the most popular and used platforms.

Here is a table of common sizes:

Image size in social networks

a) Instagram image size

For Instagram, we have several types of images. Among them we have profile images, feed, stories, featured stories, reels, and rectangular images for feed.

You must keep in mind that following these recommendations regarding the size of the images is extremely important. It often happens that the images get cropped due to the wrong size. For this reason we recommend you follow these indications.

Profile image: 320 x 320 px

Image for feed: 1080 x 1080 px

Stories: 1080 x 1920 px

Mini featured stories: 161 x 161 px

Image carousels: 1080 x 1080 px

Rectangular image for feed: 1080 x 566 px

Reels: 1080 x 1920 px

b) Facebook image size

For Facebook, things are a little different. This is because most of the time it’s used from desktop. This directly affects the size and proportion of the images. Follow these recommendations to make your profile look as perfect as possible.

Profile image: 170 x 170 px

Profile header image: 851 x 315 px

Image for feed: 1200 x 630 px

Stories: 1080 x 1920 px

Group header image: 851 x 315 px

Facebook ADS: 1080 x 1080 px

Image for events: 1080 x 1080 px

c) WhatsApp image size

For WhatsApp everything is much simpler, since it’s an app of daily use and preferably used via mobile. Here we are going to share with you the most popular specific measures to make your photos on WhatsApp look great.

Profile image: 140 x 140 px

Stories: 1080 x 1920 px

Group image: 140 x 140 px

Image for catalogs: 500 x 500 px

d) Telegram image size

In Telegram everything is very similar to WhatsApp, except that we do not have stories or catalogs. For this reason, the images specified below are only those of the profile.

Profile image: 512 x 512 px

Group image: 512 x 512 px

e) TikTok image size

In TikTok things change a bit. Since it is a very different app from the ones we know, this app has become very popular lately. Therefore, it is necessary for your profile to look as good as possible. Below we share with you the appropriate sizes so that your TikTok profile is very well optimized.

Profile image: 200 x 200 px or more

Videos: 1080 x 1920 px

Feed ad: 1200 x 628 px

Video advertisement for feed: 720 x 1280 px, 640 x 640 px or 1280 x 720 px

f) Pinterest image size

Pinterest is an app for photo lovers. It is a bit different from Instagram, generally in this social network you upload artistic things, photos for advertising purposes or to save in your gallery. This is why it is extremely important to understand what are the best sizes with which you will be able to build an eye-catching profile.

Profile image: 165 x 165 px

Pins: 600 x 900 px minimum.

Board image: 222 x 150 px

Stories: 900 x 1600 px minimum.

g) LinkedIn image size

LinkedIn is a business social network, here you must have a clean and professional profile. The size of the images matters a lot, since people will see your professional profile for work purposes. We all want to make a good impression, so a bad picture is not going to help. Here we share with you the right sizes for you to build your LinkedIn profile.

Profile image: 400 x 400 px

Profile header image: 1584 x 396 px

Image of your company logo: 300 x 300 px

Cover for company pages: 1536 x 768 px

Publications: 520 x 320 px

h) YouTube image size

YouTube, in any case, is a social network for videos. However, we also use images for our account profile.

Profile image: 800 x 800 px

Profile header image: 2560 x 1440 px

i) Twitter image size

Finally we have Twitter, although it is not a social network used for business or work. It is very important to understand that many people have it among their favorites. Therefore, we share with you the appropriate sizes of images on Twitter.

Profile image: 400 x 400 px

Profile header image: 1500 x 500 px

Tweet image: 1024 x 512 px

Image size in social networks

Why is it important to have a right image size in our social networks?

Images on social networks are part of our daily lives, we live seeing images over and over again. This implies that our senses adapt and want to see quality content. If our publications begin to have an inadequate size and our posts begin to lower their quality in the images this will directly and negatively affect our followers.

They will start to perceive us as an unreliable brand or one of those that do not take care of the way they show themselves to the world. The size of the images is very important because it allows us to upload content with good quality, good vision and allows us to perceive all the details that we want to be seen in our publications.

A brand that has its profile with the right sizes in the images will be better perceived than the others.


The size of the images is important to build a good business profile on social networks. Now that you know what are all the specific measures used for each social network do not hesitate to go ahead and make yourself known with images tailored to all your favorite communication channels.

Frequent Questions

Why is it important to have a right image size in our social networks?

Images on social networks are part of our daily lives, we live seeing images over and over again. This implies that our senses adapt and want to see quality content. If our publications begin to have an inadequate size and our posts begin to lower their quality in the images this will directly and negatively affect our followers.

They will start to perceive us as an unreliable brand or one of those that do not take care of the way they show themselves to the world. The size of the images is very important because it allows us to upload content with good quality, good vision and allows us to perceive all the details that we want to be seen in our publications.

A brand that has its profile with the right sizes in the images will be better perceived than the others.

Why is it necessary to manage social media messages?

Companies currently receive a large number of messages, on a daily basis, and it is very difficult to manage them with a single dedicated customer service operator. This is due to the limits imposed by the social networks themselves, since they don’t allow you to connect more than one user to a single account, as happens with WhatsApp.

This means that the only agent available will have a significant workload, reducing efficiency and speed, so it is extremely necessary to have a team that can take care of all requests coming through social networks from a single account capable of centralizing all information. This is where the tools for managing messages on social networks come into play: they allow you to improve and carry out an orderly, efficient and simple work for each member of the customer service team.

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About the author: Hello! I am Alan and I am the marketing manager at Callbell, the first communication platform designed to help sales and support teams to collaborate and communicate with customers through direct messaging applications such as WhatsApp, Messenger, Telegram and Instagram Direct