In this article we’ll find out how to use the famous instant messaging app within your contact center, and how to better manage it using the WhatsApp Business API

Why should you integrate Whatsapp within your contact center?

The spread of instant messaging apps, especially WhatsApp, has completely revolutionized both our personal and professional interactions.

In fact in the last few years, many companies have adapted to recent innovations by adopting WhatsApp and other messaging apps to communicate with their customers. This is precisely because it is much more effective than the forerun tools.

Within contact centers, it is particularly important to know how to interact with your target audience with fast response times and maximum management efficiency.

What makes this communication channel truly powerful is its rapidity and informality, which creates a relationship of greater trust between the company and its users.

WhatsApp can offer numerous opportunities to contact centers that wish to provide a more efficient customer assistance, by getting closer to those who need assistance or information on products/services.

Why should you integrate Whatsapp within your contact center?

The advantages of using WhatsApp in a contact center

If your contact center is considering integrating WhatsApp into its communication strategy, then it will benefit from several advantages. Here are a few that could make a difference:

1) It allows you to reduce the number of incoming phone calls and e-mails: allowing you to focus less on more traditional channels, which are generally very expensive in terms of time and resources;

2) Improve customer experience: by allowing your customers to send photos, videos or audio messages, which are very effective in modern-day communication, and which allow you to make communication even richer;

3)High message read rates: WhatsApp can boast a high degree of interaction between users, which results in a substantial engagement with companies, that can effectively solve a customer problem, or offer their products or services;

4) Low management costs: Sending instant messages through WhatsApp is very cheap compared with more traditional alternatives, such as text messages (SMS), e-mails or telephone contacts. Quality assurance in a contact center is vital for ensuring customer satisfaction and maintaining service quality. With high message read rates and low management costs, leveraging WhatsApp for customer interactions can optimize efficiency and resource allocation within the contact center

WhatsApp Business or WhatsApp Business API: which one to choose for a contact center

At this point, you will have to be able to choose between the business solutions that WhatsApp offers, namely WhatsApp Business and WhatsApp Business APIs. Both are designed to manage communications between a company and its customers.

WhatsApp Business is the free solution for companies that want to get familiar with the platform, and create their company profile, by entering basic information and a showcase for their products.

This first solution is designed for small / medium-sized companies that do not have significant amounts of incoming chats, and that can therefore be managed by a single agent.

The WhatsApp Business API, on the other hand, is the business solution designed to allow big companies to manage large volumes of interactions, and which need to manage contacts and agents in a more structured way.

For this solution, companies will have to connect the WhatsApp API endpoint to a new or existing platform, in order to start receiving messages from their users, as well as to be able to send replies.

The advantages of using WhatsApp in a contact center

Integrate WhatsApp within the channels of a contact center

As already mentioned, in order to manage numerous conversations with users, your contact center will have to opt for the WhatsApp Business API and, therefore, rely on an external platform.

With Callbell you can take advantage of the WhatsApp Business API: simply create a free account, and try our platform for 7 days, without even entering your credit card details.

Through our platform, you can immediately invite your sales or customer service agents and have constant control over them and the chats generated with users.

This will allow your company to use a single WhatsApp corporate number for all the agents who will use the platform. There is no longer a need for each agent to have their own WhatsApp Business number.

You will be able to obtain reports and metrics to ground your strategic business choices, and continuously improve the way your team communicates with the target audience.

The generated chats will be automatically allocated with robin round assignment, i.e. one each, randomly. Thus, each agent will have their own users to handle, with whom they can interact from start to finish.

In addition, agents will be able to assign tags to their users, so they can easily be categorized, and set up automatic replies, which allow faster sending of welcome messages.

If you have any doubts on how to use Callbell for your contact center, write a comment below or contact us, one of our agents will get back to you for further clarification.

Thank you for reading, and see you next time!

WhatsApp for contact centers

Frequent Questions

Why integrate WhatsApp into the contact center?
The popularity of instant messaging apps, especially WhatsApp, has completely revolutionized our interactions, both in the personal and professional environment. In fact, in recent years many companies have adapted to these recent innovations, adopting WhatsApp and other messaging apps to communicate with their customers. This happens because it is much more effective than the old tools.

In contact centers it is extremely important to know how to interact with the target audience, with short response times and maximum management efficiency. What makes this communication channel a truly powerful tool is its immediacy and informality which, in turn, creates a relationship of greater trust between the company and the user.

WhatsApp can offer numerous benefits to contact centers who want to provide customer support more efficiently, reaching people who require assistance or information on products or services. This is only possible through external services such as Callbell.

What is the difference between WhatsApp Business or WhatsApp Business APIs?
You should now know how to choose amongst the business solutions offered by WhatsApp: WhatsApp Business and the APIs of WhatsApp Business. Both are designed to manage the communication between a company and its customers.

WhatsApp Business is the free solution for those companies that want to get familiar with the platform, and create their own company profile, inserting basic information and a product showcase.

This first solution is intended for SMEs that do not receive a significant amount of requests and which can be managed by a single agent.

The WhatsApp Business APIs are, however, the business solution designed to enable companies to handle a significant volume of interactions, and need to organize contacts and agents in a more structured way.

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About the author: Hello! I am Alan and I am the marketing manager at Callbell, the first communication platform designed to help sales and support teams to collaborate and communicate with customers through direct messaging applications such as WhatsApp, Messenger, Telegram and Instagram Direct