The sales process in recent years has stopped working as it once did. All this is mainly due to the radical change that the way of buying has brought about, especially caused by the presence of the internet. This is why there is a need to change our sales strategies as well; which we will explain in this article.

The idea is to develop an inbound methodology that allows salespeople to adopt a customer-centric mindset, in order to understand what they want and how the salesperson can help them. In recent years, inbound marketing strategies have changed buyers’ expectations of sales processes in companies. Likewise, even though marketers have changed their way of acting, sales strategies and processes have been left behind.

This is because companies have noticed how sales have completely changed over the past few years. Now it sells less if no effort is made to sell and train salespeople. Precisely for this reason, many companies have developed courses and training suited to these issues. This way, the salespeople will have better skills in dealing with customers.

Once you understand why inbound sales are so important, you will need to understand why you have to apply this strategy on WhatsApp as well. Beyond that, the sellers must use better strategies accordingly. WhatsApp is a very straightforward platform, and people generally write with the intention of buying. If new sales strategies are combined with this communication channel, the number of leads who purchase products or services will certainly increase.

That’s why we decided to write this article and explain the best methodology to use for inbound sales with WhatsApp and with which tool we can promote this new sales strategy.

Inbound sales with WhatsApp

Differences between traditional marketing and inbound sales methodology

The inbound strategy and methodology we want to share with you is based on how to use the information we have about buyers in order to foster and build authentic long-term relationships with them. It is about knowing them and identifying those sales opportunities that we can exploit with our customers, becoming real collaborators and partners. The idea is to focus everything on the buying process and give the right value once key opportunities have been identified.

However, you need to have a proper marketing team, as this type of strategy depends on the content being posted. Put simply, marketers must create key and valuable content that targets potential customers. In this way, those problems and needs requested by the customer are addressed so that, once the necessary information is received, they can be redirected in a logical and efficient way, instead of presenting themselves in an intrusive and inappropriate way.

According to recent studies, 72% of marketing teams currently implement content strategies. This is done in order to reach the most appropriate target audience and in an organic way. It is precisely with SEO that it is possible to increase sales opportunities and grow potential relationships of trust with the same customers.

Advantages of the inbound sales methodology

If you are interested in learning about this new methodology, you must above all understand its advantages:

1) Promoting ease of upselling: This is mainly due to the fact that, as a seller, you have relevant information about what the buyer wants or what they bought. You will be able to offer a better product or upgrade in the future for a more attractive value.

2) Promoting cross selling: this is due to the knowledge of complementary products in which the buyer is interested. They can later be offered for sale and thus get better value for the purchase.

3) Facilitating customer loyalty: this is because a lot of data is collected in Inbound and, among these, we have the level of satisfaction that customers show for our brand. This allows us to know how customers interact with our company and then to use this information to facilitate loyalty.

In general, inbound strategies help companies to attract and make their qualified leads happy, it also provides valuable and highly relevant content for buyers, thus helping them to make certain and appropriate purchasing decisions.

Ultimately, buyers are frustrated and tired of sellers who waste time, who they cannot trust, and who do not understand their needs. Customers are looking for useful and relevant information. Sellers who know how to provide this information have strategic advantage. And this is where inbound comes into play.

Inbound sales with WhatsApp

How does the inbound sales methodology work?

As mentioned above, the inbound methodology focuses on helping sales reps better understand consumers, build meaningful relationships and foster long-term interaction, and offer potential customers what they want and need. In this way, both parties will benefit equally, thus creating a balance in the customer’s buying process.

We definitely say no to technical language and empty promises as a sales strategy. We tell you how the methodology works in order to better understand this inbound process:


In this first phase it is very important to attract your potential customers. For this, content marketing, SEO and white hat link building techniques, social networks, PPC, etc. are used. It is important that you do this according to strategic planning in order to achieve results.

The main idea is to not get as much traffic as possible. If not, it is preferable to, for example, attract the potential customers most relevant to your company. Leads, prospects and, finally, satisfied customers.

In order to grab the attention of the most appropriate customers, you need to offer them relevant content at the right time (for example, when they search for that content). That is why it’s important to know what they need at each stage of the buyer’s journey.


Once you have managed to attract visitors to your website, the next step is to convert them into leads or prospects. For this it is necessary to establish effective contact methods, such as: WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram or Telegram. Using message management tools like Callbell.

When you are already in contact with your visitors, you must answer all their questions and offer valuable content for each of your potential customers, while continuing to communicate.


Once you have customers, you need to be able to keep them. In this phase you will have to please them, offer them useful and interesting information and take care of your potential customers to convert sales into loyalty.

Finally, you must always keep in mind that, to get sales through inbound marketing, coordination is very important, so everything must be perfectly integrated.

An inbound marketing strategy works best if you have the necessary support tools. So, we want to share some that can help you explore and achieve success with greater confidence.

Inbound sales with WhatsApp

Maximize the impact of your inbound sales methodology with the right tools

One of the best tools for applying a good inbound marketing strategy is Callbell. This is because Callbell allows you to serve your customers efficiently and effectively. Above all, it allows you to connect the most relevant communication channels and get information about your customers.

It provides you with specialized metrics on the performance of your business, information on your customers and suppliers. Callbell is a very complete tool that will help you to apply inbound marketing efficiently and thus to get the greatest number of potential customers. In addition to this, Callbell offers you a multi-agent WhatsApp.

If you are interested in trying this great tool, you just have to click here.

Frequent Questions

What are the differences between traditional marketing and inbound sales methodology?

The inbound strategy and methodology we want to share with you is based on how to use the information we have about buyers in order to foster and build authentic long-term relationships with them. It is about knowing them and identifying those sales opportunities that we can exploit with our customers, becoming real collaborators and partners. The idea is to focus everything on the buying process and give the right value once key opportunities have been identified.

However, you need to have a proper marketing team, as this type of strategy depends on the content being posted. Put simply, marketers must create key and valuable content that targets potential customers. In this way, those problems and needs requested by the customer are addressed so that, once the necessary information is received, they can be redirected in a logical and efficient way, instead of presenting themselves in an intrusive and inappropriate way.

How does the inbound sales methodology work?

As mentioned above, the inbound methodology focuses on helping sales reps better understand consumers, build meaningful relationships and foster long-term interaction, and offer potential customers what they want and need. In this way, both parties will benefit equally, thus creating a balance in the customer’s buying process.

We definitely say no to technical language and empty promises as a sales strategy. We tell you how the methodology works in order to better understand this inbound process: Attract, Interact and Delight. You have to keep in mind that the communication tools in these steps are very important in maintaining optimal contact with your potential customers.

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About the author: Hello! I am Alan and I am the marketing manager at Callbell, the first communication platform designed to help sales and support teams to collaborate and communicate with customers through direct messaging applications such as WhatsApp, Messenger, Telegram and Instagram Direct