In these complicated times, companies try to get more and better sales every day. This is mainly due to the fact that the market has changed enormously over the past 10 years. In fact, the vast majority of sales today are online. With the arrival of the Covid-19 pandemic , many companies have been forced to emigrate due to the closure of their physical premises. This is why shoppers have had to adapt and trust online shopping more.

This has undoubtedly brought great benefits to everyone. Facilitated purchases, home deliveries, online catalogs, faster and safer payments. But it has also brought great inconvenience: hackers, viruses, shipping or delivery errors , lack of control, poor customer service, and ineffective means of contact.

With this in mind, many companies have developed CRMs to control and manage customers and sales opportunities. CRMs help organize the information of your potential customers, filter them and define sales processes. They can also integrate various types of tools to add more functions. For example:  multi-agent WhatsApp , e-mail, support ticket management, customer service and much more.

For these reasons we will share with you a very interesting list of the best CRMs for WhatsApp in 2022. In addition to recommending what we believe is the best management tool for customer service and sales on WhatsApp.

What is a CRM?

It is now known that CRM is the acronym used to refer to “Customer Relationship Management”. But what CRM really means goes far beyond all this. It is basically a complete management of sales, marketing, customer service and all points of contact between company and customer.

Taking this into account, we need to contextualize it in this rapidly evolving market. Relationships also evolve and this has supplanted a new concept known as user experience. The idea of CRM therefore implies being customer centric. It’s a strategy, it’s a process, it’s a tool, it’s a technology and, at the same time, it’s everything that happens in a customer’s buying process.

CRM platforms are on the list of the most important and innovative business technologies. This is due to the way they use customer information to manage accounts, leads and sales opportunities in one place.

Best CRMs for WhatsApp

What is a CRM for WhatsApp?

Taking into account what a CRM is and all its features, this has implications. A CRM for WhatsApp is a tool that allows us to organize all information, lead management, manage sales and customer service of all the people who write to us requesting information from a company’s WhatsApp account.

There are different CRMs for WhatsApp and each of them has its advantages and disadvantages. Among the most popular are Callbell, Leadsales and B2Chat . These so-called CRMs for WhatsApp, among other things, allow us to manage all messages from WhatsApp, tag and name conversations, integrate bots or insert automatic messages in chats, manage multiple agents and much more.

What are the best CRMs for WhatsApp of 2022?

1) Callbell

Callbell is one of the best communication, support and sales tools, which makes it a great platform as a CRM for WhatsApp. Not only because the price is very low, but also because the platform is easy to use, intuitive and efficient. In addition, it allows you to use multiple service channels such as Telegram, Instagram, Messenger and WhatsApp.

Moreover, the platform is designed and optimized for sales, support, administration and customer service teams, which provides a better user experience, offering metrics by agent, business metrics, many features in terms of sales, support , customer service teams and more.

Finally, Callbell’s support is excellent: it is made up of a very friendly team ready to respond quickly to their customers, even within minutes. It is undoubtedly one of the best options among the CRM platforms for WhatsApp.

Best CRMs for WhatsApp

2) Leadsales

Leadsales is a company different from the usual ones, it mainly focuses on the CRM function for WhatsApp with multi-agent WhatsApp. Generally this type of company can integrate more than one communication channel, but Leadsales only integrates WhatsApp with the sole purpose of using this platform.

This CRM also offers many interesting features such as an analytics and metrics dashboard to keep track of your business and your agents from month to month, an administrative dashboard and a very interesting and functional sales funnel for e-commerce and service companies. It can also help you get more qualified leads willing to acquire whatever you are selling or marketing. As for WhatsApp, it offers an integrated system that allows you to have a single number and multiple agents ready to reply to all messages.

In general it is a fairly simple CRM to use, very friendly to the public but with some limitations. If you want something more complete, we recommend using Callbell.

Best CRMs for WhatsApp

3) B2Chat

B2Chat is an instant messaging tool and CRM for WhatsApp. It integrates a series of communication channels such as: Live Chat, Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp and Telegram. And in turn it offers you important data about the company and your customers. The company focuses on a multi-channel environment that works seamlessly with the support and sales teams for WhatsApp.

This tool, as described on their website, can help you improve communication with your customers from one place, it allows integrations of different communication channels so that agents and consultants of the company can respond quickly to all chats without confusing messages from other mailboxes or messing with other colleagues’ customers.

This type of CRM works great with WhatsApp, but there are many other options on the market, so it becomes difficult to find out which one is the most suitable for your needs. For this, it is advisable to fully consider all the elements that you really need. Only then can you choose the perfect option for your business.

Best CRMs for WhatsApp

Callbell, the best CRM for WhatsApp of 2022

In the CRM for WhatsApp market there are multiple platforms that can help companies communicate with their customers, manage sales processes, keep portfolios perfectly organized, offer better work efficiency and important integrations in order to complete everything in a way efficient.

So, your best bet is to try a comprehensive tool for a support, sales or call center teams that works great with a CRM for WhatsApp. This will allow you to manage an unlimited number of messages, add collaborators to your support or sales teams, provide complete statistics on your communication process; this is because it is extremely easy to use and offers you a clear organization as well as efficiency and effectiveness at work: Callbell can be the solution for you.

If you want to learn more about Callbell and how it can help you improve processes and communicate more quickly and efficiently with your customers, you can click here.

Frequent Questions

What is a CRM?

It is now known that CRM is the acronym used to refer to Customer Relationship Management. But what CRM really means goes far beyond all this. It is basically a complete management of sales, marketing, customer service and all points of contact between company and customer.

Taking this into account, we need to contextualize it in this rapidly evolving market. Relationships also evolve and this has supplanted a new concept known as user experience. The idea of CRM therefore implies being customer centric. It’s a strategy, it’s a process, it’s a tool, it’s a technology and, at the same time, it’s everything that happens in a customer’s buying process.

What is a CRM for WhatsApp?

A CRM for WhatsApp is a tool that allows us to organize all information, lead management, manage sales and customer service of all the people who write to us requesting information from a company’s WhatsApp account.

There are different CRMs for WhatsApp and each of them has its advantages and disadvantages. Among the most popular are Callbell, Leadsales and B2Chat. These so-called CRMs for WhatsApp, among other things, allow us to manage all messages from WhatsApp, tag and name conversations, integrate bots or insert automatic messages in chats, manage multiple agents and much more.

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About the author: Hello! I am Alan and I am the marketing manager at Callbell, the first communication platform designed to help sales and support teams to collaborate and communicate with customers through direct messaging applications such as WhatsApp, Messenger, Telegram and Instagram Direct