In the last years we have witnessed a digital transformation that has totally changed the way we sell on social networks. This is partly due to technological advancement, but also to the needs that the Covid-19 pandemic has caused for companies.

Thanks to social networks and the great reach of the Internet, many users connect and browse in search of products to buy. However, these users show very different socio-economic profiles.

Just as social networks have changed the way we communicate and seek information, they have also made changes to the way we consume products and services. Many years ago, sellers knocked on doors, this custom has now passed thanks to the evolution of technology that allows us to sell and buy products first by telephone and now with internet.

Thanks to the arrival of social networks, in fact, the way we sell has radically changed. This meant that new sales techniques and strategies, such as social selling, had to be created in order to get more and better sales.

According to recent studies, 90% of business owners and managers do not respond to emails. If, on the other hand, the customer decides to contact them via a short message on social networks or messaging apps, the response rate increases significantly.

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What is social selling?

Social selling is the process or steps that are performed on social networks to find and interact with potential customers. All this has the main objective of making a sale in an updated way and capable of establishing and developing valuable relationships.

This is because currently Facebook, Telegram, Instagram, WhatsApp and other social networks are the first phase of contact when a potential customer is ready and interested in buying one of our products.

In short, they are digital tools that allow you to develop and execute strategies to build stable relationships. Good customer relationships are the foundation of a good salesperson’s sales process.

Social selling is not just about getting in touch with people, but also establishing relationships and identifying when to sell, in order to be considered a solution to a problem, addressing the constant need to make life easier and more accessible to our potential customer. And of course, avoid looking like a nuisance or spamming with our promotions.

This is what social selling is: if you have a Facebook, Instagram or WhatsApp Business page, you are already in the world of social selling. So, in this article we will show you what it is and how it can help you improve your business.

Social selling

The importance of selling on social networks

According to recent studies, 57% of a consumer’s shopping journey occurs before a seller can interact with him. The social selling strategy allows sellers to communicate with the prospect early in the buying process. This is extremely important because the longer the communication, the easier and faster it will be to establish a relationship of mutual trust, making the sale easier and more natural.

It is clear that salespeople or consultants who have implemented social selling in their sales strategies have been more successful. This new approach allows salespeople to directly target their potential customers, build relationships through existing and known connections and channels, and even streamline processes.

How to use social networks to sell?

To sell on social networks you need to be clear about the strategies that can help you get potential customers. Once this is achieved, sellers will be able to do their job by applying social selling. Here are some strategies for acquiring new customers:

1) Build good relationships

This will allow your customers to feel more confident in your business, and the sale will feel much more natural. There will obviously be a phase in which the customer will decide to buy a product without having first investigated thanks to the trusting relationship that you have managed to establish.

2) Offer relevant content and value

The content and value are particularly important. For this reason, you need to keep in mind that your potential customers will always be looking for information about your company and your products. Therefore, the contents you offer must give effective solutions to the daily problems of your potential customers. Moreover, you can merge PDF and consolidate product guides or case studies into a single PDF to simplify access for users seeking comprehensive solutions.

3) Apply after-sales service

Attention is an indispensable turning point for buyers. If a company offers good service before and after the sale, the buyer will undoubtedly prefer that company because of the excellent service it offers.

4) Interact with companies and followers

To stay present and active on social media, it is important to interact with your followers and other companies. In this way, you can ensure to be always present in their thoughts and attract interest in your brand and your products.

Social selling

The best tool to manage sales and leads on social networks

The best tool to apply the social selling service is Callbell. This is mainly due to the ease with which this tool is able to connect with potential customers: Callbell, in fact, uses an x number of consultants or collaborators who are able to manage all messages from your social networks.

Imagine linking your Instagram, Facebook, Telegram and WhatsApp accounts in one place and messages reaching a single multi-agent platform. In this way, your agents will be able to apply social selling regardless of the message’s origin, use sales tools such as automatic routing of conversations, advanced statistics and much more.

Callbell allows you to develop good social selling strategies, regardless of where you are, simplify your work and that of your agents. If you would like more information about Callbell, please click here.

Frequent Questions

What is social selling?
Social selling is the process or steps that are performed on social networks to find and interact with potential customers. All this has the main objective of making a sale in an updated way and capable of establishing and developing valuable relationships. This is because currently Facebook, Telegram, Instagram, WhatsApp and other social networks are the first phase of contact when a potential customer is ready and interested in buying one of our products.

In short, they are digital tools that allow you to develop and execute strategies to build stable relationships. Good customer relationships are the foundation of a good salesperson’s sales process.

It is important to sell on social networks?
According to recent studies, 57% of a consumer’s shopping journey occurs before a seller can interact with him. The social selling strategy allows sellers to communicate with the prospect early in the buying process. This is extremely important because the longer the communication, the easier and faster it will be to establish a relationship of mutual trust, making the sale easier and more natural.

It is clear that salespeople or consultants who have implemented social selling in their sales strategies have been more successful. This new approach allows salespeople to directly target their potential customers, build relationships through existing and known connections and channels, and even streamline processes.

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About the author: Hello! I am Alan and I am the marketing manager at Callbell, the first communication platform designed to help sales and support teams to collaborate and communicate with customers through direct messaging applications such as WhatsApp, Messenger, Telegram and Instagram Direct