Did you know that e-commerce and businesses have increased significantly over the course of 2020? Mobile devices have been shown to be one of the most popular ways consumers use to shop online. In fact, over 72% of people are changing their habits, using mobile devices, computers and tablets to make their purchases over the Internet.

According to some studies, consumers in countries such as the United States, Brazil, China, India, Japan, Korea, among many others, show a tendency to continue shopping virtually, and this trend keeps on increasing. Some of the sectors where online sales keep growing are:

Food, household items, leisure and sports goods, household products, electronic items, among others. This tells us that e-commerce and the food market are going strong during the Coronavirus.

Strategies to sell via WhatsApp without a website

When we say it’s a great idea to use WhatsApp as a sales tool, we say it because we mean it! 47% of internet users have spent more time shopping online in 2020 alone, and that includes ages 16 to 64, amazing isn’t it?

For this reason, we offer you some of the best strategies you can apply to your business, to sell or get more sales via WhatsApp:

1) Behave as a person and not as a company: WhatsApp is a personal app, so the people who use the application expect to communicate with a human being. Henceone of the main strategies for selling more through WhatsApp is to give your brand a more humanised touch, so that your customers feel they are talking to a person who wants to help them and not a company that just wants to sell them a product or service.

2) Give variety to the messages you share:  nowadays consumers have significantly changed their tastes and preferences. It is much more difficult to attract their attention, and this is why we advise you to change your messages frequently. It is not enough to have a paragraph or two and change some details, you must create different message templates designed specifically for various types of consumers.

Moreover, it’s always advisable to create other types of content for holidays and special days where consumers are usually more active. In conclusion, it is very important to change your messages frequently so that your customers do not get tired of seeing the the same stuff over and over again.

3) No spam: we all know that spamming is very annoying, and not only in chats or group conversations but also in promotional messages you send to your customers. We all have that contact that fills our inbox or even WhatsApp statuses or stories of messages that we do not want or need to see, and when this becomes very frequent it becomes even annoying. For this reason you must avoid spam at all cost, as it can cause a counterproductive effect leading your contacts to delete and block your number.

4) Create distribution lists by type of customer:  the best thing a company that develops and sells frequently on WhatsApp can do is to implement different distribution lists, where each list is addressed at a different niche, for example: we have lists for the automotive industry, lists of household products and others of electronic products.

In this way we will be able to create better messages, promotions and strategies focused on a single type of customer, which in the future will translate into greater sales opportunities.

5) Create and share multimedia content:  Customers are paying more and more attention to images and videos, which is why it’s very important for you to share this type of content. Whenever you communicate with your audience, try to make sure that all the content is original and that it is very catchy: few words and very interesting. You’ll soon see that in the future this strategy will pay off and make you sell a lot more! It’s so easy now! You can give it a shot by using an image generator to create stunning visuals that captivate your audience effortlessly.

6) Communicate during right business hours: be very careful not to send messages at times when our customers may be resting or busy, such as rush hours, messages very late in the evening or very early in the morning, lunch, breakfast or dinner. This will prevent your customers from replying annoyed or with some discomfort.

7) Apply persuasion techniques to your messages: always remember to apply persuasion techniques in your messages and words that stir a positive attitude in your customers, so as to encourage the purchase or interest in your products. This is very important as it helps your potential consumers to complete the purchase process.

8) Develop loyalty strategies through WhatsApp : it’s good to create and implement loyalty strategies that promote the taste for your brand, and also get your customers used to using WhatsApp, for example: imagine doing a lottery where your customers have to contact you via WhatsApp to participate, in this way – and throughout the whole contest – you can create large lists of contacts and disclosures that in the future will give you greater visibility when posting or promoting your brand, interesting isn’t it?

Strategies to sell via WhatsApp without a website

How to exploit WhatsApp to build customer loyalty

The first thing we need to be clear about is that WhatsApp Business is an instant messaging app and not a social network, hence we need to act accordingly. This means that we can reach a large number of users if we have their phone numbers. However, as we mentioned earlier, since it is not a social network, it is not recommended to opt for  mass sending of daily messages as they can end up becoming marked as spam.

Keep in mind that users like to be in control, so you need to be very emphatic on the fact that they can communicate with you via WhatsApp anytime they want, to make a reservation, to buy a product, ask specific questions, give any recommendations, etc.

By doing so, your customers will feel that your business is very friendly and that they can talk to you whenever they want. After the information is out, you will be able to start sending them small loyalty campaigns like, ‘Thank you for communicating through our WhatsApp channel and being part of our family’ or ‘Congratulations, you are our 100th WhatsApp contact, you have earned a 5% discount code “.

This kind of message can make your customers feel happy over a very simple action on your part, and will make them want to keep communicating with you. Moreover, they will also start perceiving your future messages with a much more positive feeling.

Remember to never disturb your contacts, if you have many daily messages on your WhatsApp Business channel, we recommend that you use a management software that can transform your WhatsApp into a multi-agent channel, one of these tools is Callbell and you can see many more information about it here.

How to increase your WhatsApp sales using other social networks

WhatsApp is a very friendly channel and since it’s an instant messaging app it does not collide with other social networks, which makes it a great communication addition for your customers. To increase all your sales through this messaging app you can use other social networks such as  Instagram and Facebook.

A) How to enhance WhatsApp with Instagram: first of all you must understand very clearly that Instagram is a social network with its own personality, where photos, videos, influencers and celebrities are what attract the most attention. In this regard, a good strategy to boost your Whatsapp sales consist on developing a campaign with micro influencers and influencers who use and share your products.

By doing so, your Instagram account will have many more interactions and you will be able to communicate to your customers that for any questions and purchases they can only reach you via WhatsApp, so it is advisable to put your WhatsApp link on your profile. In this way your profile gets more followers and your WhatsApp more leads and sales.

B) How to enhance WhatsApp with Facebook: on the other hand we have Facebook which is a social network more in tune with sharing your daily life, which is difference from Instagram. Here the influencers do not reign: it is usually the users who create large communities of users with particular tastes and this is where you should promote yourself, in this case we will use the Facebook Marketplace.

This tool that Facebook provides us with has gained popularity in recent years and many people tend to market their products or services there: this indicates that if we publish our products on this platform, Facebook Marketplace will give us visibility, and we will receive the incoming messages on WhatsApp (every time we ask our customers to communicate with us through this channel).

In this way we continue to create contacts and potential customers via WhatsApp and get more and better sales thanks to social networks that increase our sales within the instant messaging app.

How to exploit WhatsApp to build customer loyalty

What to keep in mind when using WhatsApp as a sales tool

To use WhatsApp Business as a sales tool, you need to take into consideration some important points such as:

1) WhatsApp’s commercial policies

2) Limit spam

3) Create your product catalog

4) Enter your business information

5) Use your logo as an image

6) Set your hours

7) Use WhatsApp web or create an account on Callbell

8) Create a WhatsApp link with your number

Tools that can improve the effectiveness of your WhatsApp sales strategy

Nowadays there are many tools that can help you improve your communication strategy via WhatsApp: most of the time you need a tool that allows us to effectively serve consumers on this platform. However, WhatsApp allows us to have only one account per phone number, and we can open it on max 2 devices at the same time, on our mobile  phone and on WhatsApp web.

Taking this into account, there are tools that can allow us to make our WhatsApp number a multi-agent channel, this means that we may have multiple WhatsApp accounts within one number. One of the alternatives we have is to use Callbell, which allows us to transform WhatsApp into a multi-agent channel, giving us multiple features, improving the efficiency and simplicity of this platform.

If you are interested in learning more about this app, you can register for the weekly webinar every Tuesday and find out how Callbell works in your company.

Callbell Shop: the best solution to create a catalog on WhatsApp

Callbell Shop is Callbell’s new tool that will help you quickly organize products in your WhatsApp catalog, dividing them into categories and organizing varieties of products for users to order.

The products will be identified with their description, price and picture. Likewise, you will be able to select the costs and place of delivery.

 All you have to do is register on Callbell Shop with a Google account, enter the name, description and logo of your business to start setting up your catalog.

 Once you have created your shop, in the “Catalog” section you will be able to enter the products you wish to sell through WhatsApp.

Finally, share your store link so you can start receiving orders from users interested in your products or services.

Sell via WhatsApp without having a website
Frequent Questions
How to use WhatsApp to build customer loyalty?
The first thing we need to be clear about is that WhatsApp Business is an instant messaging app and not a social network, so we need to behave accordingly. This indicates that we can only reach a large number of users if we have their phone numbers; however, as mentioned above, since it is not a social network, it is not recommended to send bulk messages daily, as they can end up in spam.

Keep in mind that users like to be in control, so you need to be ready to communicate with them via WhatsApp at any time, to make a reservation, purchase a product, ask specific questions, give any recommendations, etc.

Tools that can improve the effectiveness of your sales strategy on WhatsApp
Today, there are many tools that can help you improve your communication strategy on WhatsApp. Most of the time, you need a tool that allows you to effectively serve users on that platform; however, WhatsApp allows you only one account per phone number, having the possibility to open it only in two devices, on our mobile phone and on WhatsApp web.

Taking this into account, there are some tools that can give us the ability to make our WhatsApp number a multi-agent channel, this means that we may have multiple WhatsApp accounts in one number. One of these alternatives is Callbell, which allows us to transform WhatsApp into a multi-agent channel, offering us multiple features, improving the efficiency and simplicity of this type of platform.

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About the author: Hello! I am Alan and I am the marketing manager at Callbell, the first communication platform designed to help sales and support teams to collaborate and communicate with customers through direct messaging applications such as WhatsApp, Messenger, Telegram and Instagram Direct