In this article we will explain the benefits of using WhatsApp and Instagram in restaurants and how to optimize processes with Callbell and its collaborative platform useful for social networks.

WhatsApp and Instagram are two different apps but with some similarities, such as instant messaging. When we talk about WhatsApp, we refer to an app useful for sending instant messages and with the presence of a variant for the business, called WhatsApp Business. This app has different functionalities developed specifically for companies, such as the possibility to add working hours, catalog, company information, media  files and even the opportunity to link it to other external apps in order to offer an even more specialised customer service.

Instagram looks like a very interactive platform, where companies can own their own virtual store, complete with a catalog, price list, stocks and the possibility to buy online. Additionally, users can chat using Instagram Direct and enjoy an almost-instant, personalized customer attention. However, the apps are limited to the number of users who have the possibility to access a single account. This means that if you have a restaurant with a lot of requests per day, these apps could help you manage and organize them through a multi-agent team.

With Callbell you can develop and manage a multi-agent team for social networks, allowing you to serve all your customers. You also get statistics on your restaurant and manage orders, since it is the app allows you to transfer requests and assign them to different departments while maintaining control and efficiency of the service

Why would I choose WhatsApp and Instagram for managing a restaurant?

Why would I choose WhatsApp and Instagram for managing a restaurant?

WhatsApp and Instagram are the social networks more used globally in recent years. Thousands of companies market their products and services through these means, thus creating a trend that never stops growing. Similarly, the frequency with which companies offer their own support services to their customers through these channels is growing day by day due to the popularity of these networks and the ease by which users are able to communicate.

This is why you should use WhatsApp and Instagram for the management of your restaurant. When you use Instagram you can show your product or service to the public and sell it visually. Plus, you can also decide to create a catalog within the same social network where your customers can place their orders.

Also, with WhatsApp you have the possibility à to communicate right away, since   fast food companies usually use these two social networks together, then connecting Whatsapp to Instagram. In this way, Instagram sells the product and WhatsApp serves the customer. Equally, since these apps have limitations that do not allow many users to use them at the same time, especially with regard to WhatsApp, not everything is perfectly functional.

To solve this type of problem you can use Callbell, a tool capable of centralizing all messages from your social networks in a single platform that makes WhatsApp’s multi-agent service possible..

What are the benefits of using social networks for a restaurant?

What are the benefits of using social networks for a restaurant?

The benefits you can get by using social networks in your restaurants are many. Here we list all the benefits you can get if you decide to use Instagram and WhatsApp to manage your business:

1) Communication and order management

Using Instagram and WhatsApp you will be able to quickly communicate and manage orders from your restaurant. In addition, the  add-on functionalities enable you to sell better, reaching more people and providing support to all.

2) News and messages

Another advantage in using social networks for your restaurant is that of being able to inform your customers about your business news. This is because WhatsApp allows  you to create a list of all contacts you have interacted with, to stay in touch. In this way, your restaurant will always be able to stay in touch with customers, attracting new sales

3) Grow your business

If you manage to be successful on Instagram and WhatsApp, the sales will surely come on their own. In fact, a successful restaurant is one that also grows on social networks: in terms of followers, interactions and sales on a daily basis. Consider that, while working on your account, more and more people will get to know your business, and will want to place orders.

4) Attract new customers

Keep in mind that when you use social networks, it is normal to attract new customers. So, if your restaurant is good, most likely you will get new customers as your social network followers and interactions increase, improving more and more.

5) Save on advertising costs

One of the best niches on social networks is food; so if you own a restaurant you have an advantage over other businesses. If you want to advertise your work, consider that with a very small budget, you will still be able to reach a large audience. Moreover, if you save on these costs, it will be easier to integrate restaurant payroll management to help you overcome other cost-related challenges.

6) Content for the public

Owning a business, like a restaurant, on social networks, allows you to create contests and promotions that encourage the public to create new content or share photos of your restaurant or your products. This is undoubtedly a great advantage, especially when it comes to making your content viral on social networks and being known by as many people as possible.

How can I use WhatsApp and Instagram to manage my restaurant?

How can I use WhatsApp and Instagram to manage my restaurant?

WhatsApp and Instagram can be used together to enhance your restaurant and get more orders and better sales. Here’s how to do it:

1) Promote your services and products

With Instagram you can promote your services and make them known to many people. While with Instagram you can expand your business, with WhatsApp you can manage all the chats that will arrive through your marketing funnel.

2) Manage your customers’ orders

Once Instagram has obtained traffic, customers will begin asking questions and placing orders. And it is thanks to WhatsApp that you can serve all of them, by managing every order and fulfilling it. However, WhatsApp has limitations, so we suggest using Callbell to centralize all the information in one place and manage them using more agents, regardless of the app you’re using.

3) Connect the apps to your website

There are many ways to connect Instagram or WhatsApp to your website, the most easy and convenient way is Callbell. With this tool you can install a chat widget on your website, containing WhatsApp, Instagram, Telegram and Facebook.

What is Callbell and how can it help me manage restaurants through WhatsApp and Instagram?

What is Callbell and how can it help me manage restaurants through WhatsApp and Instagram?

Callbell is a chat plugin that allows site visitors to request assistance via their favorite messaging app (including Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp or Instagram Direct). This platform allows you to customize the chat plugin according to the channels you want, and is a suitable solution for all those e-commerce sites that focus on a mobile audience. Which makes it an ideal service.

The visitor, in fact, can start chatting in real time with the company through his/her own favorite messaging app and continue the conversation at a later time, without having to wait for the answer on the website. For the company, using this service makes it easier to gather information about the user and analyze the history of previous chats. Everything is managed through a single platform that collects chats from different channels and allows them to be allocated and assigned to a customer service team.

Callbell is a platform that helps you manage messages, tickets, orders or requests from customers and promoted about your business. Through Callbell you can quickly allocate your WhatsApp and Instagram chats among all your agents on a single collaborative platform.

In this way you will be able to manage all the orders of your restaurant, and more. You will also be able to assign conversations to departments and thus have better control on completed orders, those in progress and to be fulfilled. Here’s how Callbell can centralize your chats, handle them with 2 or more agents and get clear and transparent statistics about your business.

Frequent Questions
Why should you use WhatsApp and Instagram for the management of restaurants?
WhatsApp and Instagram are the social networks most used globally in recent years. Thousands of companies market their products and services through these means, thus creating a trend that never stops growing. Similarly, the frequency with which companies offer their services to support customers through these channels, is growing day by day due to the popularity of these networks and the ease with which users are able to communicate.

This is why you should use WhatsApp and Instagram for the management of your restaurants. When you use Instagram you can show your product or service to the public and sell it visually. Plus, you can also decide to create a catalog within the same social network where your customers can place their orders.

How can I use WhatsApp and Instagram to manage a restaurant?
WhatsApp and Instagram have different uses for companies, among them we have:
  • Promote your services and products: with Instagram you can promote your services and make them known to many people. While with Instagram you can expand your business, with WhatsApp you can manage all the chats that will arrive through your marketing funnel.
  • Manage you customers’ orders: once Instagram has obtained traffic, customers will begin asking questions and placing orders. And it is thanks to WhatsApp that you can serve them all, managing every order and fulfilling it. However, WhatsApp has limitations, so we suggest using Callbell to centralize all the information in one place and manage them using more agents, regardless of which app you’re using.
  • Link apps to your website: there are many ways to connect Instagram or WhatsApp to your website, the easiest and most convenient way is Callbell. With this tool you can install a chat widget on your website, containing WhatsApp, Instagram, Telegram and Facebook.
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About the author: Hello! I am Alan and I am the marketing manager at Callbell, the first communication platform designed to help sales and support teams to collaborate and communicate with customers through direct messaging applications such as WhatsApp, Messenger, Telegram and Instagram Direct